Jan Sikking
Group chairman
As a native of Diemen, I see that Diemen is changing. Diemen’s independence comes under discussion when the municipal councilors continue to direct their national political party. I want Diemen to remain independent and to develop a clear vision for the future.
That is why I want to continue to play a role in Diemense politics, but only with a party that is open to local interests. It is with regret that I see that much has been demolished and that history is giving way to new construction. The “Pearls of Diemen” are in disrepair, just walk past the old rectory. Every day I cycle out of Diemen with my wife, to work. Small things such as keeping cycle paths clean, maintenance of traffic lights or sweeping away glass shards are forgotten. There is a visible cutback on the small things while it is spent on research reports with tons of money. Diemen is penny wise but pound foolish.
Residents from Diemen Noord have organized a citizens’ initiative to make Tiny Houses possible. This initiative has disappeared in the bottom drawer, a number of administrators could not find space for this plan. OnPD sees space along the railway embankments where Tiny Houses can be built with time.
What we lack in Diemen is a vision of the future with guts, how can we live in the coming decades? Where can the people from Diemen let their children live later? Why are there only expensive owner-occupied homes in Diemen? Is the supply of social rental housing closed? There is sufficient space in Diemen to be able to continue building if this can be made accessible. In the coming period we will have to draw up a new construction vision and take decisions in order to be able to realize the plans quickly. The started growth from 30,000 to 38,000 inhabitants requires sports fields, schools, roads, greenery and clean air. It is about the future of the children and until now problems have been dealt with on an ad hoc basis. Independent Party Diemen wants a clear policy with guts and vision.